Overview & facilities

Living spaces3 Parking spaces6

  • Guesthouse
  • Gym
  • Office
  • Winecellar
  • Playroom
  • Horse pasture



The brochure will be available shortly

We have put together this information to give you an impression of this property. Although we have taken all due care when preparing the brochure, no rights may be derived from any inaccuracies that it might contain.

The object of the Measurement Instructions is to provide a more uniform approach to the measurement process and an indication of the usable area applicable. All of the surface areas stated in this brochure are in accordance with the Measurement Instructions, based on the drawings available to us. The Measurement Instructions have been derived from NEN2580, but do not fully rule out differences in measurement outcomes as a result of interpretation differences,roundings-off or restrictions, for example.

Combined with a viewing of the property, this information must be considered to be an invitation to make an offer and/or start negotiations. We advise you to request the expert assistance of a property agent and/or independent structural consultancy at all times. When concluding the contract of sale, the buyer will be required to provide a bank guarantee or pay a deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price,which will serve as security for the performance of all of the various obligations applicable.

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