
Oud-Loosdrechtsedijk 99


€ 2.095.000,– k.k.

Overzicht & faciliteiten

Rooms5 Bathrooms2 Bedrooms3 Woonruimte1 Parking spaces6

  • Boothouse
  • Aanlegsteiger


View this beautiful detached thatched villa. The perfect place for nature and water sports enthusiasts where you will have the holiday feeling every day.

The villa has 3 bedrooms, 1 bedroom on the ground floor with adjoining bathroom. Enjoy complete privacy in this idyllic setting. Relax on the terrace with a breathtaking view over “the creek”.

This house – built under architecture – is a unique opportunity to experience luxury and comfort in a beautiful setting.

If you are interested, please contact us for a viewing via 020-7871338 or

  • Well maintained detached thatched villa situated on a magnificent plot of 1,200 m² with 184 m² living space;
  • Spacious bedroom with private bathroom on the ground floor;
  • 2 bedrooms with private bathroom on the first floor, 1 with loggia;
  • Indoor garage, carport and spacious driveway for several cars;
  • Well-founded garden house with thatched roof;
  • Remote-controlled electric entrance gates;
  • Floating movable boat shed plus a hardwood jetty for a minimum of 3 boats;
  • Beautiful south-facing backyard on a waterway with direct access to the Loosdrechtse Plassen;
  • Excellent geographical location at 25 minutes by car from Amsterdam, Utrecht and Schiphol.For more information, please contact our broker Danielle Hartog on telephone number: 020 – 78 71 338.


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